Copying and renaming preprogrammed logic schemes, Retrieving a logic scheme from the be1-11m, Sending a logic scheme to the be1-11m – Basler Electric BE1-11m User Manual
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Logic Page 5
Figure 205 illustrates the default logic on Logic Page 5 in BESTlogicPlus.
Figure 205. Logic Page 5 for Default Logic
Copying and Renaming Preprogrammed Logic Schemes
Copying a saved logic scheme to the active logic (Logic Name) and assigning a unique name is
accomplished by loading the saved logic scheme into BESTCOMSPlus and then typing over the logic
scheme's name. Changes are not activated until the new settings have been saved and uploaded to the
Retrieving a Logic Scheme from the BE1-11m
To retrieve settings from the BE1-11m, the BE1-11m must be connected to a computer through a
communications port. Once the necessary connections are made, settings can be downloaded from the
BE1-11m by selecting Download Settings and Logic from Device on the Communication pull-down menu.
Sending a Logic Scheme to the BE1-11m
To send settings to the BE1-11m, the BE1-11m must be connected to a computer through a
communications port. Once the necessary connections are made, settings can be uploaded to the