Fault reporting, Fault reporting trigger logic, Trip – Basler Electric BE1-11m User Manual

Page 159: Picked up, Logic, Targets

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Fault Reporting

The fault reporting function records and reports information about faults that have been detected by the
BE1-11m. The BE1-11m provides many fault reporting features. These features include Fault Summary
Reports, Oscillographic Records, and Targets.

Fault Reporting Trigger Logic

Logic expressions are used to define the three conditions for fault reporting. These conditions are Trip,
Picked Up, and Logic trigger. An oscillographic record is triggered when either the Pickup or Logic input is
true. You can also force a trigger using BESTCOMSPlus


Figure 119 illustrates how each of these logic expressions is used by the various BE1-11m functions.
Fault trigger logic connections are made on the BESTlogic

Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus. The


chapter provides information about using BESTlogicPlus to program the BE1-11m. Figure

113 illustrates the fault reporting trigger logic block.

Figure 113. Fault Reporting Trigger Logic Block


Trip expressions are used by the fault reporting function to start logging targets for an event and to record
fault current magnitudes at the time of trip. The trip expression is used to light the Trip LED on the front
panel. The Trip LED will turn on and remain on as long as the trip expression is true. The Trip LED will
remain on (or “sealed-in”) after the trip expression becomes false if targets are associated with the trip.
The breaker monitoring function uses the trip expression to start counting the breaker operate time.

Picked Up

Pickup expressions are used by the fault reporting function to time-stamp the fault summary record, time
the length of the fault from pickup to dropout (fault clearing time), and to control the recording of
oscillographic data. The pickup expression is used to flash the Trip LED on the front panel. The Trip LED
will continue to flash on and off as long as the pickup expression is true and the trip expression is not true.
A pickup expression is also used by the setting group selection function to prevent a setting group change
during a fault.


Logic trigger expressions allow the fault reporting function to be triggered even though the BE1-11m is not
picked up. A logic trigger expression provides an input to the fault reporting function much as the pickup
expression does. This logic expression is not used by the setting group selection or the front panel.


Each protective function logs target information to the fault reporting function when a trip condition occurs
and the trip output of the logic block becomes true (refer to Figure 119 and Table 62, call-out B). Table 60
lists targets as displayed. All targets are enabled by default.


Fault Reporting