Inputs and outputs, Programmable inputs do not operate as expected, Programmable outputs do not operate as expected – Basler Electric BE1-11m User Manual
Page 444: Metering/display, Incorrect display of current, Incorrect display of voltage, General operation, Do i have to log in to reset the targets or alarms

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withdrawn and any unsaved changes are lost. When activity at a port is no longer required, access should
be terminated.
Obtaining data or reports from the BE1-11m never requires password access. The security log is an
exception, as it requires Administrator access.
Inputs and Outputs
Programmable Inputs Do Not Operate as Expected
Step 1. Verify that all wiring is properly connected. Refer to the
Step 2. Confirm that the inputs are programmed properly.
Programmable Outputs Do Not Operate as Expected
Step 1. Verify that all wiring is properly connected. Refer to the
Step 2. Confirm that the outputs are programmed properly.
Step 3. Confirm that the output is not being set by other means. There can be more than one
connection to an output (check the physical outputs tab in BESTlogicPlus). Also, check that the
output override is not set for the output.
Incorrect Display of Current
Step 1. Verify that all wiring is properly connected. Refer to the
Step 2. Ensure that the proper current is present at BE1-11m current sensing inputs IA1 (D1/D2), IB1
(D3/D4), IC1 (D5/D6), and IG1 (D7/D8). If two sets of CTs are present, also verify proper
current at IA2 (F1/F2), IB2 (F3/F4), IC2 (F5/F6), and IG2 (F7/F8).
Step 3. Verify that the current transformer ratio and sensing configuration is correct.
Step 4. Confirm that the current sensing transformers are correct and properly installed.
Incorrect Display of Voltage
Step 1. Verify that all wiring is properly connected. Refer to the
Step 2. Ensure that the proper voltage is present at BE1-11m voltage sensing inputs VA (C13), VB
(C14), VC (C15), and VN (C16).
Step 3. Verify that the voltage transformer ratio and sensing configuration is correct.
Step 4. Confirm that the voltage sensing transformers are correct and properly installed.
General Operation
Why won't the Trip LED reset when I press the Reset key on the front panel?
The Reset key is context sensitive. To reset the Trip LED or the targets, the Targets screen must be
displayed. To reset the alarms, the Alarms screen must be displayed.
Do I have to log in to reset the targets or alarms?
It depends on the security setup. You can reset the targets or alarms through a specific port without
logging in if the Unsecured Access Level is set to Operator or higher on that port. Target and alarm reset
can also be set outside of security control, allowing reset through the front-panel interface without logging
in. Refer to the
chapter for more information.