AMETEK ReFlex Programming Manual User Manual

Page 50

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ReFlex Power™ Programming Manual

Controller Module Remote Programming


M380056-03 Rev M

A unique set of these registers are allocated per each TCP/IP Socket
connection or VXI-11 channel connection, and released when the connection
is closed.






Group creation will clear both the PE and PEV registers at the module level.

If a PE, ESR, and STB event is active and the corresponding event in the
ESE, PEV and SRE is enabled, a SRQ will be generated. If several
simultaneous events occur, the first one will set the SRQ, to clear the SRQ,
all succeeding events will also need to be cleared.

To clear an SRQ, there are several commands that have been implemented
to make the job easier. The standard one of *STB?, is to see which class of
interrupt has occurred, an Event Status Register, Error Queue, and or a
Module Protection Event. The ESR is queried by the *ESR? command.
Which module caused a SRQ event can be determined by a
SYST:MODSRQ?. This command returns a 96 bit hex number (96 down to
1, Left to Right) on a user basis, that has a ‘1’ bit set corresponding to each
module number that the user has programmed non-zero PEV register value
that has caused the SRQ to be asserted.

To clear a PE, use the SYST:MODSRQ? to determine which module(s)
requires service, read their PE register. Then read the summaries PE
register, if there are no further SRQ’s pending, the SRQ bit in the STB
register should clear. If not, check for other events that are pending.

The linkage between a client and the RFP SRQ mechanism is made when a
module’s STATus:PROTection:ENABle bits are set non-zero. The
*SRE and client side driver must also enable SRQ for one to occur. The
summary set of PE/PEV registers can be used as a global SRQ
enable/disable for module based events on a per user basis.