Reflex power™ firmware compatibility – AMETEK ReFlex Programming Manual User Manual

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Remote Programming Overview

ReFlex Power™ Programming Manual

M380056-03 Rev L




With the release of firmware version 3.000.000 and higher, the controller
firmware revision and the firmware in the power and load modules must be at
the same major revision level. Thus, it is not possible to mix revision
2.000.000 and revision 3.000.000 assets. When powering up a system with
mixed revision assets installed, the red Fault LED will blink on a version 3
controller, if a version 2 module is detected. If a version 3 Module detects a
version 2 controller, the Module’s red Fault LED will blink indicating the
firmware miss-match. The *TST? response will also have an error bit set
indicating miss-matched firmware.

RFP version 2 Modules can be upgraded to version 3, and version 3 modules
can be downgraded to version 2.

The Order numbers for version 2 and version 3 Modules are different, contact
Sales for further information.







Programmatically firmware version 3 is a superset of the functionality in V2.
There are some differences because of new features that have been added,
and some because of enhancements.

In general; non-setting related query commands now execute much faster, by
as much as a second in some cases. As an example meas:volt? the
response time is in the order of 10-15msec. The number of digits after the
decimal point in a measure query response is now proportional to the module
ratings, i.e. more digits on a 16 volt module and less on a 450 volt module.

AC Group operation can now be paced by the execution speed of the group
rather than using fixed delays. See AC Module Group operation examples for
details on command usage. An AC power measurement subsystem, and a
transient upset event generator has been added. Control of CC Mode (as
RMS current) has been added.