AMETEK ReFlex Programming Manual User Manual
Page 101

AC Module Remote Programming
ReFlex Power™ Programming Manual
M380056-03 Rev L
Voltage DAC
Calibrate the voltage DAC offset.
Query the DAC offset value
Set the DAC count
Measure DC voltage using DMM and enter the first DC
voltage reading.
Set the second count value and then enter the second DC
voltage reading
Line Drop Fault
Query the gain of the LDF register
Calibrate the LDF gain
Set the voltage in terms of counts
(must be used with the following :COUNTS command)
Set over voltage protection value in term of count
Set the five points AC voltage, no space after FIVEPOINT
Query the calibrated five points
Calculate voltage calibration.
Set the current in terms of counts
(must be used with the following :COUNTS command)
Set over current protection value in term of count
Set the five points AC current, no space after FIVEPOINT
Query the calibrated five points
Calibrate current.
Set the frequency calibration to default
:CURR <1-7>
Set the actual AC current to frequency calibration.
This is 7 point frequency calibration
Calculate the frequency calibration data
Set initial values
:CURRent <0+NRf>
Set the initial current value
Set the initial current protection limit
Query the initial current protection value
Query the initial current value
:VOLTage <0+NRf>
Set the initial voltage value
Set the initial over voltage protection limit
Query the initial over voltage protection value
Set the initial voltage range 0 = low range and 1 = high range
Query the initial voltage range
Query the initial voltage set point
Set the initial undervoltage protection limit
Set the initial under voltage protection limit
Query the initial under voltage protection limit
Set the initial phase of the module. This will be effective only
when unit is in phase group
Query the initial phase set point