Rfp service request – AMETEK ReFlex Programming Manual User Manual
Page 48

ReFlex Power™ Programming Manual
Controller Module Remote Programming
M380056-03 Rev M
Returns the network MAC address.
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (Hexadecimal digit pairs)
Set the network Subnet Mask for the device. The mask is in
the format NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN
where “NNN” = 0 through 255, inclusive.
Returns the network Subnet Mask for the device.
Pings the IP address and returns the statistics
Set the network TCP/IP socket listening port. The Port
address is not changeable.
Returns the network TCP/IP socket listening port address,
which is 2340.
Set the return string terminator to be sent by the device. The
valid range is 1-4. The TERM value is user specific, for each
individual connection lifetime. Connection Default is 3.
Values indicate the following terminator(s):
1 = 0x0D only (CR), 2 = 0x0A only (LF), 3 = 0x0D 0x0A (CR
LF), 4 = 0x0A 0x0D (LF CR)
Returns the string terminator value used by the device.
When an AutoIP address is acquired, it’s range will be 169.254.1-254.NNN
To receive SRQ events at a host computer, a “TCPIP0::”
connection must be instantiated by the IVI Driver, and the user application must call the
proper initialization and setup routines.
The Hex formatted number is 96 bits in length, which has a one-to-one correspondence for
each possible module in the system. The bits are numbered 96 down to 1.
The idea of Service ReQuest (SRQ) generation over Ethernet in RFP is to
allow the system to selectively and asynchronously alert each user to specific
events that have occurred in the system depending on which modules are
SRQ enabled. Because SRQ’s are asynchronous, the instrument does not
require to be polled, which lowers overhead and bandwidth requirements.
The RFP system provides a command and control interface via Ethernet.
Because the client side implementation of SRQ for Ethernet is implemented
using SUN RPC™ and VXI-11™ protocol, the RFPC implements a VXI-11
Server. A socket-based connection can set an SRQ event into the STatus
Byte register, (STB), but since there is no driver notification in this mode, it
would only be detected in a polling mode.
Note: One Ethernet connection, whether socket or instrument, will never ‘see’
another connection’s SRQ information or status. See below for details.