AMETEK ReFlex Programming Manual User Manual
Page 47

Controller Module Remote Programming
ReFlex Power™ Programming Manual
M380056-03 Rev L
System subsystem.
Queries Error Queue for next error/event entry (first in, first
out). Entries contain an error number and descriptive text. A 0
return value indicates no error occurred; negative numbers
are reserved by SCPI. The maximum string length returned is
255 characters. The queue holds up to 10 error/entries. All
entries are cleared (per user) by the
Returns the SCPI version number for the instrument. The
response is in the format YYYY.V where the Y’s represent the
year and V represents the approved version number for that
year (e.g., 1999.0)
Returns a Hex number. If a module has an active Hardware
fault condition, the corresponding bit will be a ‘1’, else ‘0’.
Returns a Hex number. If a module has an active SRQ event,
the corresponding bit will be a ‘1’, else ‘0’.
Network Subsystem
Sets the network Auto IP mode.
0 = disable AutoIP; 1 = enable AutoIP
0 = AutoIP disabled; 1 = AutoIP enabled.
Set the network Description, a 64 character alphanumeric
string surrounded by quotes
Returns the network Description.
1 = enable, 0 = disable DHCP mode. Reboot to take effect.
Returns Y if DHCP Mode is enabled.
Returns N if DHCP mode is disabled.
Set the IP address of the Domain Name System for the device
(IP address is in the format NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN where
“NNN” = 0 through 255, inclusive.
Returns the network DNS address for the device.
Sets the network gateway IP address for the device. The IP
address format is NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN where “NNN” = 0
through 255, inclusive.
Returns the network gateway IP address for the device.
Set the network Host Name, a 15-character (maximum)
alphanumeric quoted “string”.
Returns the network Host Name
Configures the RFPC to STATIC IP mode, delays several
seconds, closes all network connections, then uses the new
IP address. The IP address format is NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN,
where “NNN” = 0 through 255, inclusive.
Returns two IP addresses: the first is the IP address presently
in use by the power supply; the second is the IP address to be
used when the system re-configures.
BLINKON blinks LAN LED. (Used to identify which RFPC in a
rack is being addressed). BLINKOFF stops LAN LED blinking.
Returns state of the LAN LED:
0 – Off; 1 – On, 2 - blinking.