Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 96
Creating and Using Device Templates
Network property, and then select the LNS network interface to be used for communication
between the LonMaker network and your NodeBuilder device in the Network Interface property.
Alternatively, you can select the Do Not Open Any Network check box to create a new project
that is not associated with a LonMaker network, and disable automatic LNS device template
creation and automatic load after build.
4. Click Next.
5. The Specify New Project Name dialog opens.
6. In the Project Name property, enter the name of your new NodeBuilder project. If you specified
a LonMaker network to be associated with the NodeBuilder project in the Select Network dialog,
the default Project Name is that of the selected LonMaker network. You can accept this default
name or enter a new one.
Project files with this name and .NbPrj, .NbOpt, and .NbWsp extensions will be created in the
project folder specified in the Location property. The project folder is stored in the
C:\lm\Source\<Project name> folder by default. You can click the button to the right of the
Location property to specify a different location.
If you specified a LonMaker network to be associated with the NodeBuilder project in the Select
Network dialog, the Set as Default Project check box is selected. This means that this
NodeBuilder project is automatically opened when the NodeBuilder tool is started from the
selected LonMaker network. If you selected the Do Not Open Any Network check box in the
Select Network dialog, the Set as Default Project check box is unavailable.
7. Click Next. The Specify Project Default Settings dialog opens.