Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 157

NodeBuilder FX User's Guide
the Use Array checkbox, enter the number of functional blocks in the array in the Size box, and
then click OK.
3. In the Program Interface pane, right-click the new functional block and then select Rename on the
shortcut menu to change the name of the functional block. LNS network tools use this name is
used to identify the functional block. This name is not case sensitive; however, creating a
functional block, removing it, and then creating another functional block with different
capitalization can cause compilation problems, and is therefore not recommended.
Note: You can have the LonMaker tool and other network management tools identify the
functional block by its functional profile name instead of the user-specified name. To do this,
right-click the device template in the Program Interface pane, and disable the Use External FB
Name option.
4. All the mandatory network variables and configuration properties specified by the functional
profile are automatically added to the Mandatory NVs and Mandatory CPs folders under the
functional block. These folders only exist only if the functional profile contains mandatory
network variables or configuration properties. Mandatory items can not be deleted from the
functional block. You can expand these folders to display the mandatory members in the
functional profile.