Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 63
NodeBuilder FX User's Guide
Step 5: Compiling, Building, and Downloading the Application
The NodeBuilder tool includes a complete set of tools for compiling your Neuron C application,
building an application image that can be loaded into your device, and downloading your application
image to your device.
When you build your application, the NodeBuilder tool will create downloadable application image
files and device interface files. The downloadable application image file is used by the LonMaker tool
and other network tools to download the compiled application image to a device. The device interface
file describes the external interface for your device. It is used by network tools such as the LonMaker
tool to determine how to bind and configure your device. The device interface file is also used by the
NodeBuilder tool to automatically create the LNS device template.
The NodeBuilder tool can create two device sets for each device that you build, one for a development
version of your device and one for a release, or production, version of your device. The default project
directory for your NB_FX Exercise project is C:\Lm\Source\NB_FX Exercise. The two device file
sets are written to different directories—the NB FX Example Device\Development directory and the
NB FX Example Device\Release directory. The development and release file set are both stored
within your project directory.
To compile, build, and download your application, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the NB FX Example Device device template icon in the Project pane, then click Build
on the shortcut menu.
2. If you receive any build errors, double-check that the code you entered matches that listed in Step
4: Developing Device Applications (you may receive some warnings, which can be ignored in the
context of this quick-start exercise).
3. Click the Echelon LonMaker/Visio button in the Taskbar to switch to the LonMaker tool. You
will use the LonMaker Tool to install, bind, configure, and test the devices in your project. The
LonMaker tool displays a network drawing that shows the devices, functional blocks, and
connections in your network.