Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 124

Creating and Using Device Templates
Opens the NodeBuilder Device Template Target Properties dialog,
which includes compiling, linking, exporting, and configuration options
for the target. See the following subsections for more information on
the target properties you can set in this dialog.
Set Hardware
Opens the Set Target Device Hardware Template dialog, where you
can select the hardware template to be used for this target. You can
select from all hardware templates contained in the Hardware
Templates folder. Alternatively, you can drag a hardware template
from the Hardware Templates folder to the Development or Release
target. Note that a target cannot be built or cleaned until it has a
hardware template.
Note: If your NodeBuilder project is not associated with a LonMaker
network and you change the hardware template for a device template
that uses a 5000 Series chip, you must associate the NodeBuilder
project with a LonMaker network and then re-build the device
application to implement the clock speed associated with the selected
hardware template. If you load the device application with the
LonMaker tool without using the NodeBuilder tool’s automatic load
after build feature, the device may not use the correct clock speed.
Builds the application image for this target only. See Building an
Application Image in Chapter 8 for more information.
Compiles the application for this target only.
Note: Only the compilation step of the build process is completed when
you select this option. The application is not linked and the application
image is not created.
Deletes all output files created when building this target. See Cleaning
Build Output Files in Chapter 8 for more information on removing the
files and folders produced by a build.
Build Exclude
Determines if this target will be included or excluded when you click
the Build command for the device template or the Device Template
folder. When this option is enabled, the target will be excluded from a
device template build, the target name is dimmed, and a checkmark will
appear next to the Build Exclude option on the target’s shortcut menu.
When a target is excluded, you can still explicitly build the target by
right-clicking the target and selecting Build from the shortcut menu.
See Excluding Targets from a Build in Chapter 8 for more information
Displays the build status for this target. See Viewing Build Status in
Chapter 8 for more information on viewing the build status of
NodeBuilder device templates and targets.
Setting Device Template Target Properties: Compiler
The Neuron C Compiler (NCC) is a Neuron C tool that is used to produce Neuron assembly source
files from Neuron C source code.
You can modify the compiler options for a target. To do this, right click the target, click Settings on
the shortcut menu, then select the Compiler tab in the NodeBuilder Device Template Target
Properties dialog.