Programming 3150 off chip memory – Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual

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Building and Downloading Device Applications

Note: Pins 2 and 10 on the Aardvark are both connected to ground inside the Aardvark. As a result,
when the Aardvark is connected to the device board, it finds a reference ground at pin 10 and it takes
the RST~ line to ground on pin 2 at the same time. This means that once the Aardvark connection is
removed, the RST~ line is released and the 5000 Series chip resumes normal operation.

Programming 3150 Off-chip Memory

A device based on a Neuron 3150 Chip, FT 3150 Smart Transceiver, or PL 3150 Smart Transceiver
will always have off-chip ROM or flash memory, and may also have off-chip EEPROM or flash, and
RAM. The Neuron firmware must reside in the ROM or flash. Typical configurations use a 64KB
flash memory part, and sometimes a RAM device. The application code may reside in any
combination of the off-chip memory types, and the on-chip EEPROM. For information on the
placement of application code in the various memory types, see Using Memory in the Neuron C
Programmer’s Guide

You can program the Neuron firmware and your application image into a PROM or flash memory
device using a compatible device programmer. You will use the ROM application image file (.NRI
extension) if your device uses off-chip PROM, or the EEPROM application image file (.NEI
extension) if your devices uses off-chip flash, EEPROM, or NVRAM. You will use both types of
image files if your device uses both types of memory. These files are described in Building An
Application Image
earlier in
this chapter. All off-chip memory devices containing Neuron firmware or
an application image must be programmed before loading them in the device. You can load an initial
blank application if you plan on downloading a new application over the network to your device.