Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 101

NodeBuilder FX User's Guide
4. The Select NodeBuilder Project File dialog opens. Click the button to the right of the Project
File property, browse to and select the desired project folder (C:\Lm\Source\<Project Folder> by
default), and then select the project file (.NbPrj extension) in the project folder.
5. Click Finish.
• You can open a project and start the New Device Template wizard at the same time by
dragging a Development Target or Release Target device shape from the NodeBuilder
Basic Shapes 4.00 stencil to your network drawing.
• You can open specific windows within the default project by right-clicking a Development
Target or Release Target device shape in the LonMaker drawing, pointing to Custom, and
then clicking Edit Source, NodeBuilder Properties, Build, or Debug on the shortcut menu.