Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual

Page 173

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NodeBuilder FX User's Guide


Alternatively, you can drag a network variable from the functional profile’s Optional NVs folder
in the Resource pane to the functional block’s Optional NVs folder in the Program Interface pane.
If a functional profile does not have any optional network variables defined, it does not have an
Optional NVs folder.

2. The Implement Optional NV dialog opens.

3. In the FPT Member Name property, select the optional network variable from the list of those

that have not yet been implemented in this functional block.

4. In the Name property, enter the name of the optional network variable that will be displayed in the

LonMaker tool and other network management tools. The default name is the functional profile
name. This name must be unique to the device, can contain up to 16 alphanumeric characters, and
must start with a letter.