Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 55

NodeBuilder FX User's Guide
Step 3: Defining the Device Interface and Creating its Neuron C
Application Framework
You can develop device applications with the NodeBuilder tool using the Neuron C programming
language. Neuron C is based on ANSI C, with extensions for network communication, hardware I/O,
timing, and event handling.
The NodeBuilder tool includes a NodeBuilder Code Wizard, which automatically generates Neuron C
source code that defines the device interface (XIF). The device interface includes all the functional
blocks, network variables, and configuration properties implemented by your device. The
NodeBuilder Code Wizard also generates much of the code for the Node Object functional block,
which is a standard functional block that is used for maintaining and managing the device and its
functional blocks.
The left pane of the NodeBuilder Code Wizard is the Resource pane, which is used to display the
resources that are available for your application. The right pane is the Program Interface pane, which
is used to display and modify your device’s interface. You will define your device’s interface by
dragging functional profile templates and network variable and configuration property types from the
Resource pane to the Program Interface pane.
After you run the NodeBuilder Code Wizard, you work with the generated code to implement your
device’s functionality. You can rerun the NodeBuilder Code Wizard at any time to modify your
device’s interface, while maintaining any changes that you have implemented in the source code.
In this step, you will automatically create Neuron C source code for a device with the following
functional blocks:
• An open-loop sensor functional block with a SNVT_switch output network variable.
• An open-loop actuator with a SNVT_switch input network variable.