Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual

Page 170

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Defining Device Interfaces and Creating their Neuron C Framework

cleared by default.


Optionally, you can set the value for the network variable when the
device is reset. If this network variable is a structure, union, float, or
enumeration, click Edit to open the Edit Initializer dialog and enter
the value or values. See Setting Initial Values for Network Variables
and Configuration Properties
later in this chapter for more

Note: Configuration properties have default values that are defined in
resource files. Default values are included in the definition of the
configuration property type, in the definition of the functional
profile’s member configuration property (an optional initial value
override), and possibly in the definition of an inherited functional
profile. The Neuron C compiler will automatically initialize the
configuration property to its defined default value.

Therefore, you can explicitly set the initial value or the configuration
property; however, it is recommended that you use the default values
defined in the resource file, if possible.

Applies to

Select whether the configuration property is applied to a network
variable, a functional block, or the device as a whole. This is called
global configuration property sharing.

• If this is an implementation-specific configuration property, you

can apply it to the functional block or to any of the network
variables on the functional block (any network variable in any of
the Mandatory NVs, Optional NVs, or Implementation-specific
NVs folders).

• If this is a device configuration property (a configuration

property that you added to the Configuration Properties folder of
a device), the configuration property can be applied to the device
or to any of the network variables in the Network Variables

Adding a Shared Configuration Property

To apply a configuration property to a functional block or network
variable, follow these steps:

1. If another configuration property with the same type, array

size, Implement As setting, and Applies To setting exists on
the device, it will appear in Applies To property under
Network Variables or Functional Blocks.

2. Select the Functional Block or Network Variable option.

3. Select one or more of the items from the Network Variables

or Functional Blocks list and click the right arrow button to
move the selected functional block or network variable to the
Selected Network Variables or Selected Functional

The network variable that the originally selected

configuration property applied to will appear in bold gray
text to indicate that it is the root configuration property and
cannot be removed from the list of shared configuration
properties. You can remove any of the other configuration