Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 207

NodeBuilder FX User's Guide
2. In the Text to Find property, enter the text string to be found.
3. In the File Types property, select the file types to be searched. By default, the search will look in
Neuron C files (.nc extension), header files (.h extension), and C files (.c extension). You can
remove a file type from the search by removing the corresponding *.<file type extension> entry.
You can add additional file types by adding *.<file type extension> to this field.
4. In the Options box, select one or more of following check boxes to modify the search (all of the
check boxes are cleared by default):
• Case Sensitive. Performs a case-sensitive search.
• Whole Words Only. Limits the search to whole words that match the search string.
• Regular Expressions. Enables regular expression syntax in the search string. If this option
is set, you can use the following expressions in your search string:
Expression Description
An asterisk in the search string replaces zero or more characters. An
asterisk must be accompanied by at least two other characters (for
example, you could search for zo*, which would find instances of zo,
zoo, zoom, zoot, but not z*). Use \* to represent an asterisk character.
The plus sign behaves just like the asterisk, but it must replace at least
one character (for example, if you search for zoo+, it will return zoot and
zoom, but not zoo. Use \+ to represent a plus character.