Using the nodebuilder editor – Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual

Page 204

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Developing Device Applications

block or functional block array). This restriction applies to both the static and global configuration
property sharing scopes.

range_mode_string. The NodeBuilder Code Wizard does not support the range_mode_string
option, which supports the setting of L




range modification for a configuration property.

when() clauses

Unqualified when(msg_arrives). The NodeBuilder Code Wizard code generates an unqualified
when(msg_arrives) task as part of the pre-defined FTP server implementation (see the
file). This code is only generated if the you selected the FTP configuration property access method.

If your device application processes incoming messages and includes the pre-defined FTP server, you
must use the existing implementation and start your own handler code from there. For more
information about removing parts of the code generated by the NodeBuilder Code Wizard, see
Modifying Neuron C Code Generated by the Code Wizard earlier in this chapter.

when(nv_update_occurs(nv1..nvx)). For functional blocks or functional block arrays that contain
input network variables, the NodeBuilder Code Wizard always generates a single when() task to
handle incoming network variable updates, using the Neuron C construct

Code for multiple when-tasks per functional block or functional block array (assuming each functional
block has more than one input network variable) is not generated.

This implies that all input network variables that belong to a given functional block or functional block
array are to be declared in subsequent order. See the Neuron C Programmer’s Guide for more details
about the use of NV range specifications as arguments to the nv_update_occurs function.

The NodeBuilder Code Wizard does not generate code to handle the arrival of updates to configuration
network variables.

#pragma scheduler_reset. The implementation of the FTP server requires the presence of #pragma
. This is automatically inserted as needed by the NodeBuilder Code Wizard (see the file). You may not remove this pragma.






The NodeBuilder Code Wizard can only generate code for a device template that includes a valid Node
Object functional block. The Node Object functional block must be the first object in the device’s list
of objects. The functional profile key for the Node Objects functional profile is 0 at present scope;
therefore, you can create own Node Object functional profile with a key of 0 that inherits from the
scope 0 functional profile.

Director Functions

The NodeBuilder Code Wizard always creates one director per functional block or functional block
array. It does not currently support functional blocks without director functions, and it does not
support the sharing of one director function among multiple functional blocks (except for functional
block arrays).

Interrupt Tasks

The NodeBuilder Code Wizard does not currently generate code for application-specific

Using the NodeBuilder Editor

You can display and edit source and text files using the NodeBuilder Project Manager; this includes
Neuron C files (.nc extension), header files (.h extension), C files (.c extension), and text files (.txt
extension). You can open any file in a device template folder or device template Source Files folder