Introduction to resource file sets – Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual

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Defining Device Interfaces and Creating their Neuron C Framework

section. For more information on creating and editing resource file sets and resources, see the
NodeBuilder Resource Editor User’s Guide.

The Resource pane displays a hierarchical view of your resource catalog. The resource catalog file
( ) is at the top of the hierarchy. The resource catalog file is used to identify all the directories
containing resource file sets. The resource catalog file has a .Cat extension. The default resource
catalog file is, and it is stored in the C:\LonWorks\Types folder.

Below the resource catalog files are entries for each resource folder contained in the resource catalog.
A resource folder may contain one or more resource file sets. By default, there is one resource folder
(C:\LonWorks\Types) that contains the STANDARD resource file set. There may be a
C:\LonWorks\Types\User\Echelon folder if you installed the LonPoint plug-in when you installed
the LonMaker tool, or you may have additional resource folders if you have installed any other
plug-ins, or already created your own resource files. You can add and remove resource folders in the
resource catalog file from the Resource pane.

Each resource file set ( ) includes individual folders containing functional profile, network variable
type, configuration property type, format, and language file resources.

Note: The Resource pane does not include the menu and toolbar displayed at the top of the
NodeBuilder Resource Editor; however, you can access the commands provided by these components
by right-clicking the Resource Catalog in the Resource pane.

Introduction to Resource File Sets

Resources are grouped into resource file sets, which apply to a specified range of program IDs. The
program ID range is determined by a program ID template in the file, and a scope value for the
resource file set. The scope specifies the fields of the program ID template that are used when
matching the program ID template to the program ID of a device. The program ID template has an
identical structure to the program ID of a device, except that the applicable fields may be restricted by
the scope. The scope value serves as a filter, indicating the relevant parts of the program ID.