Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 171
NodeBuilder FX User's Guide
4. If you have shared two mandatory or optional configuration
properties or if you have shared two implementation-specific
configuration properties from a different functional block,
they will appear in the Program Interface pane with the same
configuration property name in their respective folders.
If you share an implementation-specific configuration
property with an optional or mandatory configuration
property within the same functional block, the
implementation-specific configuration property will be
removed from the Program Interface pane.
For example, if you are creating a configuration property that
applies to both a nvoCO2ppm1 network variable on a
co2Sensor1 functional block and a nvoCO2ppm2 network
variable on a co2Sensor2 functional block; the Neuron C
expression co2Sensor1::nvoCO2ppm1::cpValue
== co2Sensor2::nvoCO2ppm2::cpValue will
always be true because these two expressions are two
different names for the same configuration property.
Note: When using the LonMaker Browser or an LNS Plug-in to
update a shared configuration property, the display may not
automatically update the other shared configuration properties. You
can force the Browser to update its display by opening the Browse
menu and selecting Refresh All. Refreshing an LNS Plug-in display
is plug-in specific.
Removing a Shared Configuration Property
To remove a shared configuration property, select the configuration
property to be removed, and then click the left arrow button. The
configuration property originally selected in the Code Wizard will be
shown in bold gray text and cannot be removed through this dialog.
To remove the configuration property that is shown in bold gray,
close the CP Properties dialog and re-open it for one of the
configuration properties that is to remain.
Each configuration property that is removed from the Selected
Network Variables or Selected Functional Blocks list will be
implemented as a separate, non-shared configuration property.
Configuration Property Sharing Rules
The following rules apply to using global configuration property
• A configuration property can only be shared between multiple
network variables, or between multiple functional blocks, but not
between a combination of network variables and functional
blocks at the same time.
• All configuration property types can be shared.
• A configuration property that applies to the entire device cannot
be shared.
• Multiple functional blocks or network variables can share a
configuration property. A shared configuration property can
apply to multiple singular functional blocks or network variables,
a functional block or network variable array, a number of