Programming 3120 and 3170 on chip memory – Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual

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Building and Downloading Device Applications

areas, as well as in on-chip EEPROM. Whenever the Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver is reset, the
Neuron firmware compares the on-chip and off-chip signatures, and if there is a mismatch, the Neuron
firmware changes the device state to applicationless. If the device copies the boot image to on-chip
EEPROM, this check will follow that process, and will override the firmware state selection if the
signatures do not match.

Programming 3120 and 3170 On-chip Memory

A Neuron 3120xx Chip, FT 3120 Smart Transceiver, PL 3120 Smart Transceiver, or PL 3170 Smart
Transceiver does not support external memory; therefore, the only memory to program is on-chip
EEPROM, which must be programmed over the network or with a 3120 or 3170 programmer.

A blank Neuron 3120xx Chip, FT 3120 Smart Transceiver, PL 3120 Smart Transceiver, or PL 3170
Smart Transceiver comes up with its communications interface initialized to 1.25Mbps differential
mode with a 10MHz input clock (TP/XF-1250 twisted-pair compatible), and a Neuron firmware state
of applicationless. If your custom device has a compatible transceiver and clock, you can load all of
the application and network configuration over the network using the LonMaker tool.

To pre-program a Neuron 3120xx Chip, FT 3120 Smart Transceiver, PL 3120 Smart Transceiver, or
PL 3170 Smart Transceiver with an application or network configuration other than the default, you
must program it in a Neuron 3120 Chip or Neuron 3170 Chip programmer. Refer to the
documentation supplied with the particular programmer for details.

Programming PL 3120 and PL 3170 Smart Transceiver Parameters

The PL 3120 and PL 3170 Smart Transceivers ship with an initial set of transceiver parameters
pre-loaded for programming purposes. To ensure optimal operation, you must re-program the
transceiver parameters for all PL 3120 and PL 3170 chips using the NodeLoad utility.

• For a device based on a PL 3120 Smart Transceiver, you can use the NodeLoad utility with the –X

option to change the transceiver parameters from the factory default parameters to any of the
supported parameters.

• For a device based on a PL 3170 Smart Transceiver , you can use the NodeLoad utility to change

the parameters to any of the various C-band types (the PL 3170 Smart Transceiver does not
support A-band operation).

To load transceiver parameters using the NodeLoad utility, you must use the .NDL or .NEI image
because the .NXE image does not contain transceiver parameter values. You can also use a universal
programmer, such as BP Microsystems' programmer or HiLo System's programmer, to change the
parameters prior to soldering the chip onto your PCB board. All valid transceiver parameters included
in the application image files generated by the NodeBuilder tool are supported.

If you reboot a PL 3120 or PL 3170 Smart Transceiver, the smart transceiver will restore the factory
default parameters and go back to the initial state. Rebooting in this case refers to any of the following



LNS application

Invoking the Reboot() method for AppDevice or
Router object.

NodeUtil utility
(version older than 1.96)

Sending the “Reboot” command for the device

Network management command with
the appl_reset option

Writing a value of zero to the second byte of the
transceiver parameters on the Smart Transceiver and
resetting the device with the Set Node Mode.

Note: If you simply power cycle or reset your device, it will maintain the programmed change; it will
not restore the factory default.