Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 215

NodeBuilder FX User's Guide
Application Image
(.APB, .NDL., and
These files contain the application image used by the LonMaker tool
and other network tools to download the compiled application image to
a device.
There are three types of downloadable application image files: the
binary application image file (.APB extension), the .NDL file, and the
text application image file (.NXE extension). These files are described
as follows:
• The .APB file is used by the LonMaker tool and other LNS
network tools to download an application images to a device over
the network. The .APB files can be used to upgrade the device
application for a previously installed device.
Note: The .APB files cannot be used to update a device’s
communication parameters or the clock multiplier for a 5000 Series
chip. If you change these properties, you must associate the
NodeBuilder project with a LonMaker network and then load the
device application with the NodeBuilder tool to implement the
• The .NDL file is used to support manufacture-time loading of
devices with the NodeLoad utility. For more information on the
NodeLoad utility, see the NodeLoad Utility User’s Guide.
• The .NXE file is supplied to support some legacy network tools,
but it is not normally required.
Application Image
(.NRI, .NEI, .NFI,
.NME, and .NMF)
These files contain an application image that is used by a programming
tool to program an application image into a memory chip.
Programming tools include generic device programmers and specialized
Neuron 3120 programmers.
The .NMF and .NME types are new for NodeBuilder FX tool and the
5000 Series chips, and they are used to program serial EEPROM
(.NME) and flash (.NMF) memory parts. Image files intended for
serial memory parts may also be programmed in-circuit, subject to the
availability of suitable hardware.
There are five types of programmable application image files: ROM
application image file (.NRI extension), the EEPROM and flash
application image file (.NEI extension), the off-chip serial EEPROM
application image file (.NME extension), the Neuron flash image (.NFI
extension), and the off-chip flash application image file (.NMF
• ROM. The ROM application image file (.NRI extension) contains
a read-only application image that is used for programming a
PROM or flash memory for use in a device based on a Neuron
3150 Chip or FT 3150 Smart Transceiver. The first 16Kbytes of
the ROM application image file contains the Neuron firmware, and
optionally contains a copy of some or the entire on-chip EEPROM
image, as selected by the Exporter Reboot Options for the device
template target.
• EEPROM and flash memory. The EEPROM application image
file (.NEI extension) contains a EEPROM application image that is
used for programming an external or on-chip EEPROM. If the
application image was built for a Neuron 3150 Chip or an FT 3150
Smart Transceiver, the EEPROM application image file contains