Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual

Page 183

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NodeBuilder FX User's Guide


The Structure Fields box displays all the fields in the structured network variable or configuration
property. If no initializer has previously been set, the Value boxes for each field and the Initializer
box are empty. To enter values for the fields in the structure, follow these steps:

1. Click anywhere in the field’s row. The scaling for the field is displayed in the Scalar Details box,

and its minimum, maximum, and invalid (if any) values are displayed in the Limits box.

2. Click anywhere in the field’s Value box and enter a valid value for the field. If the field is an

enumeration, select the value from the list in the Value box. The Scaling Result box displays
how the specified value will be scaled. For example, if you enter 200 for the value field of a
SNVT_switch data point, the Scaling Result box displays 100.0.