Echelon NodeBuilder FX User Manual
Page 168

Defining Device Interfaces and Creating their Neuron C Framework
Implement as CP Array check box is set appropriately and
If the functional profile template does not define how this
configuration property must be implemented or if this is an
implementation-specific configuration property, you have the option
to configure the configuration property as an array or as a single
configuration property.
To implement this configuration property as an array, select the
Implement as CP Array check box (for configuration properties
implemented as configuration files) or Use Array check box (for
configuration properties implemented as configuration network
variables [CPNVs]), and then specify the number of elements in the
array in the Size box.
An array has a minimum size of 2 elements, and a maximum size of
65,500 bytes. The array size is limited by the amount of available
persistent, modifiable, memory in the device. A linker error will
occur if the specified array size exceeds the device’s resources.
Note: Configuration property arrays implemented as configuration
network variables (CPNVs) are subject to the same limitations as
network variables. Specifically, Neuron C applications are limited to
62 or 254 static network variables. In the case of a configuration
property array implemented as CPNVs, each element in the array
counts as one network variable.
See the Neuron C Programmer’s Guide and Neuron C Reference
Guide for more information about implementing configuration
property arrays.
CP Type
Displays the standard or user-defined type of the configuration
property. This field is read-only.
FPT Member Name
Displays the name of the configuration property as specified in the
functional profile. This field is read-only. For
implementation-specific network variables, this field is empty.
Restriction Flags
You can set the one or more of the following configuration property
flags. Network tools are responsible for checking these flags and
handling configuration properties appropriately.
• device_specific_flg. Specifies that the configuration property
should always be read from the device, never from the LNS
database. An example use of this flag is for the device’s minor
version number. The minor version would be part of the
application image download so network tools could check the
version that was loaded into the device.
• mfg_flg. Specifies that the configuration property should be
modified only at manufacture time. Installation tools should not
modify this configuration property unless they are being used for
manufacturing. An example is a configuration property used to
hold calibration data.
• reset_flg. Specifies that the device should be reset after the
configuration property is modified in order for the application to
work properly.
• offline_flg. Specifies that the configuration property should be