Toshiba – Toshiba VF-SX User Manual

Page 48

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The "PANEL/REHOTE" key is used to switch the SX drive

between panel control (operation from the touchpad) and remote

control - control from remote signals attached to the correct

input terminal blocks.

The "HON" (Monitor) key is used to make the display show any

monitored value available, such as forward or reverse run,



assigned run frequency, past trip data, or other items. See 8.2.2

in this chapter for a complete explanation.

The "PRG" (Program) key is similarly used to switch the

drive from other modes of operation to the "Program’ mode, and
thereby allow programming or changing of the numerous parameters

as required to match operating conditions.

The "UP ARROW" key is used to increase parameter settings,

scroll upwards through program group parameters, or upward through

monitor values.

The "DOWN ARROW’ key is used to decrease parameter setting,

scroll downwards through program group parameters, or downward
through monitor values.

The "ENTER" key is used to select or set a value of any

parameter such as run frequency or other data into permanent
