3 emergency stop [5 5 t p, 1 emergency stop from the touchpad, E 5 b p – Toshiba VF-SX User Manual

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11.3 Emergency Stop [5 5 t P]

The Emergency Stop feature is available from the touchpad, when the drive is NOT

in panel control. It is also available from a remote control signal. There are

three distinct stopping methods, as shown in chart 3 below. Information on

emergency stop is found in other sections of this manual, but all information
concerning the emergency stop function is summarized in this section of the



[ E 5 b P ]




Coasting stop.


Decelerating stop.


Emergency DC injection braking stop.

NOTE: If P is selected also set the DC injection braking time

[ £ d b b

], DC

injection braking start frequency

[ d

b P],

and DC injection braking

amount [

d b U ] .

11.3.1 Emergency Stop from the Touchpad

See Chapter 8, Section 3 for instructions to stop the drive from the touchpad.

Implement the following procedure to perform an emergency stop from the touchpad.

Emergency Stop When the Drive is NOT in Panel Control:

Step 1. Press the ElSS button on the touchpad.

The drive mode is activated and the LED will display

[ E O F F ]

Step 2. Press the button again.

[f ] (flashing) will be displayed on the LED and Emergency Stop will

be activated. Emergency Stop can be Coasting, Decelerating, or DC

Injection Braking type, as shown above, depending on the programmed

parameters for this method of stopping.