Toshiba 18-3 – Toshiba VF-SX User Manual

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UABLfTY: Exc«pt M tp«cHi«d In №• foregoing paragraph antlttad V/ARRANTY*. iha Company ahall have no obligation or

tiabUKy whataoavar to the Purchaaar, inciubing. without limitation, any daima tor oonaaquantial damagaa or labor cotta, by

reason of any breach of the express warranty describeci therein. The Purchaser further hereby «greet to irtdemnify and hold the
Company harmless from and against all toases, damages, obligattons. Ilabllitiea, suits and causa« of action (other than tha cost

of replacing or repairing the defectfve product as specified In the foregoing paragraph entitled *WARRANTY*) arising directly or
Indirectly from the acts, omissions, or negllgertoe of the Purchaser In oonrtectlon wMt or arising out of the t^r>g. use,
operation, replaoement or repair of any product described in this quotation artd sold or furnished by d>e Company to the


PRICES: Prices are those in effect at dme of shipment In the event of a published Increase or reduction in prices by the

Company, the new pric« will become effectiv« immediately on the unshipped portion of the order at the time of the change, in

no event however, will a reduction in price be retroactive to shipmems made prior to the date of the price chartge. Upon written

acceptance by the Company, the Purchaser's order will not thereafter be subject to cartcelltoion nor to deferment of deliveries

without the Company's written oonaent

TAXES: The Purchaser shall reimburse the Company for any sales, use. occupation, exdse, or other tax arisirtg out of sales of
products to the Purchaser upon receipt of the Company's invoice for the amount of the tax or. at the option of the Company,

the Purchaser shall provide the Seller with a tax exempt certificate acceptable to the appropriate tai^ authorities.

TERMS OF PAYMBifT: Unless otherwise agreed upon In wrftirig terms of Payment are cash. In United States Doltars, in full.

wHhin thirty days from date of shipment All orders are subject to the approval of the Company's Cra^ Oapaitmant and

the Company may require full or partial payment in sdvsrtoe. Pro rata payments shall beeoma dua as ahipmants art made,
except where shipments ara dalayad by the Purchaser for arty rsaaon, in which avant paymanta ahali beooma dua from the date

on whkh the Company Is preparad to maka shipment. If manufacture is delayed by the Purchaser, the Company may sleet to

require payment based on the contract prica and parcantaga of complation. Any proparty hald for Purchasar shtol ba at the risk

srtd expensa of the Purchaser.

SBCUnfTY NT5CST: H requested by the Company, the Purchaser hereby agrees to grartt to th# Company a security interest

in ail products described In this quotaition and sold by tha Company to tha Purchaser and all prooeeda of tha resale thereof by

the Purchaser, lr>dudir)g without limitation all accourttt receivabia, for tha pu^>osa of providing the Company with aacurfty for

tha paymant of tha purchase price of such produ^. Pursuant to such security interest the Company shall at an times have the

rights of a aecurad party with ragard to such products arto proceeds under the Uniform Commerdsl Code, or any similar
statuta, as anacted in tha state or states in which such products may at any tima be located. The Purchaser hereby agrees to

execute any arto all aaeurity agreemanta. firtaneing atatamants, and other documents which may be requested by the Compsrty
In order to create and perfect any of the foregoing security irrierests.

PATBR* MFRMGEMENT AND OTHER LIAB&JTES: K promptly notified arto given an opportunity to do so with friendly

assistance, the Company will dafend the customer arto the uWmste user of the equipment from any actual or allaged
Infringement of any published United States patent by the equipment or any part theraof fumiahad pursuant herato (othar than

parts of special dMign, construction or ntsnufsctura specified by and originatirtg with tha Purchasar or uMmaM user), and wlH

pay all damages and costs awarded by s competent court In any suit thus defended or of which It shall have had prompt
notice arto an opportunity to defend as sforasaid.

NOTE: The sxportation from the United States of the products. oomnr>odities or tacholcsi data sold, furnished or delivered to

your firm by Toshiba Intemslionsl Corp. and the ree>q»rtation of such items from any other country may be prohibited or

restricted under U.S. Federal Laws and Hsgulstions. Aooordir>gly. no exportation of such products, commodities or technicsl

data from the United States arto no reexportation thereof from arty othar country ahali be permitted, except in accerdanee with

U.S. Law.

