3 universal unit multiplication factor [c/5pc, 3 universal unit multiplication factor, P (?] -7 – Toshiba VF-SX User Manual

Page 140: Toshiba 13-7, D r . r p . d s p b

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13.3 Universal Unit Multiplication Factor [c/5Pc*]

The LED display on the touchpad can be changed to display many values other than
HZ. Use the Universal Unit Multiplication Factor to revise the value of this

display. The values of this multiplication factor can be adjusted from 0.01 to



"LED Display" - {"Frequency Display" multiplied by "Unit Multiplication Factor")

The LED monitor can display the range from 0.00 to 9999. When the value to be

displayed on the monitor exceeds 9999 the four digits from the tenth place to ten

thousand place will flicker.

EXAMPLE: Set LED display to show motor RPM, in lieu of HZ.

Assume motor is 4 Pole (1800 RPM).

1800/60 - 30, so

3 0

is the Universal Unit Multiplication Factor.

Step 1.

Enter programming group [

D r . R P . d S P B ] .

step 2.

Change Universal Unit Multiplication Factor from


(the default

setting) to


step 3. Run drive. Where previously the LED displayed HZ, the value now

displayed will be in motor RPM.

NOTE: All displays which formerly showed a value in HZ will now display a value
based on "Frequency" X "Universal Unit Multiplication Factor".