6 electronic thermal protective level [t hr, 7 stall prevention function activation level [5 11, 6 electronic thermal protective level – Toshiba VF-SX User Manual

Page 118: 7 stall prevention function activation, Level, 5 fc, 5 t l, 0 til, Toshiba 11-11, 0 l r i

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11.6 Electronic Thermal Protective Level [t Hr]

The electronic thermal operation level [

b H C ]

can be adjusted according to

the motor rating and characteristics. The range of values for this parameter can
be set between 10 and 100* of the drive’s rated output current.




Figure 11.3 Electronic Thermal Operation Characteristics

11.7 Stall Prevention Function Activation Level [5 11]

The stall prevention parameter [

5 t L

] can be set between 10% and 150% of the

rated output current. The stall prevention parameter is NOT activated when set
to 200*. If the current exceeds this stall prevention operation level, the
frequency and voltage will be retarded and drive tripping will be prevented.

When this parameter operates the acceleration and deceleration times will be

slightly longer than their set values.


Electronic Thermal Protection

Characteristic Selection

[0 til]

The electronic thermal characteristics [

O L f l ]

can be changed frora/to

"standard motor" or "VF motor", according to the type of motor to be driven by

the drive. Furthermore, the stall feature can also be selected in conjunction

with the

[ 0 L r i ]
