Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 356
Configuring SNMP
snmp-server host
addr [informs [timeout
seconds] [retries retries]
| traps version {1 | 2}]]
community-string [udp-
port] [filter
For SNMPv1 and SNMPv2, configure the system to receive
SNMP traps or informs.
host-addr — Specifies the IP address of the host (targeted
recipient) or the name of the host. (Range:1-158
• informs — Indicates that SNMPv2 informs are sent to
this host
• timeout
seconds — Number of seconds to wait for an
acknowledgment before resending informs. The default is
15 seconds. (Range: 1-300 characters.)
retries — Maximum number of times to resend an inform
request. The default is 3 attempts.
• traps — Indicates that SNMP traps are sent to this host
version 1 — Indicates that SNMPv1 traps will be used
– version 2 — Indicates that SNMPv2 traps will be used
community-string — Specifies a password-like
community string sent with the notification operation.
(Range: 1-20 characters)
port — UDP port of the host to use. The default is 162.
(Range: 1-65535 characters.)
filtername — A string that is the name of the filter that
defines the filter for this host. If unspecified, does not
filter anything (Range: 1-30 characters.)