ADS Environmental Services FlowShark Pulse QR 775004 A1 User Manual
Page 180

Troubleshooting 11-3
Possible Reason
Check cable connection. Verify wiring on
terminal strip is properly connected, cables
are firmly connected to plugs (retighten
screws and pull at cable ends), and
clamping of single wires is free of insulation.
Confirm plug is firmly seated and connected
in socket.
Note: Error messages indicating sensor
number 1, 2, or 3 refer to flow velocity
sensor 1, 2, or 3, respectively. Error
Sensor 4 refers to the air-ultrasonic sensor.
Sensor Error (X)
Indicated on Display
Check communication with the sensor by
pressing the I key. Screen should display
sensors in the third line. Check cables for
interruption or loose connections and the
sensor for mechanical damage.
Use the graphic flow profile display to verify
the quality of the measurement location.
Relocate the sensor to a more suitable
location that exhibits better hydraulic
conditions (extend calming section).
Remove any existing silt or other
obstructions from the front of the sensor.
Straighten the flow profile by installing
appropriate baffle plates and calming
elements, flow straighteners, or similar
devices upstream from the measurement
Unsuitable Hydraulic
Conditions at
Measurement Location
Increase damping.
Check the sensor orientation and horizontal
Erratic Readings
Inspect the sensor for silt or other
Unsuitable Hydraulic
Conditions at
Measurement Location
Refer to possible solutions under Erratic
Measurement Readings.
Check for proper connection.
Check for damaged or crushed cables, short
circuits, improper resistance loads, or
current-consuming devices without galvanic
Check measurement range and span.
Erroneous Readings
External Level (Depth)
Check input signal from I/O menu.