Metrohm 761 Compact IC User Manual
Page 61
2.10 Connection of external devices
761 Compact IC
Connect the end of the 6.2141.110 Cable marked with "732/1"
to the remote interface 24 of the 761 Compact IC (see Fig. 2).
2 Tubing connection 766 – injection valve
At the 761 Compact IC, loosen the rotary nipple 31 screwed
onto the interior side of connection 3 (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4).
Take aspirating tubing 4 completely out of connection 3 and
unscrew from connection "1" of injection valve 32.
Cut PEEK capillary 18 installed at the 766 IC Sample Proces-
sor (see 766 Instructions for Use) to the desired length.
Pull the free end of PEEK capillary tubing 18 through the
opening of connection 3 of the 761 Compact IC and screw it
onto connection "1" of injection valve 32 with the help of a
6.2744.010 PEEK compression fitting.
Retighten rotary nipple 31 on the interior side of connection 3
to fix the capillary.
3 Tubing connection injection valve – waste
Insert 6.2744.020 Coupling (from 761 accessories) into
connection 3 of the 761 Compact IC.
Screw aspirating tubing 4 onto the 6.2744.020 Coupling and
lead it into the waste container.
4 Settings at the 766 IC Sample Processor
For operation with the 761 Compact IC it is recommended
that the following program "761" is used with the 766 IC
Sample Processor:
method 761
number of samples: Rack
>start sequence
>sample sequence
1 SCN:Rm : Wait1
2 MOVE 1 : sample
3 LIFT: 1 : work mm
4 SCN:Rm : Wait1
5 PUMP 1.1 : 120 s
>final sequence
>changer settings
rack number 0
lift rate 1 12 mm/s
shift rate 20
>manual stop
CTL Rmt: **************
CTL RS232:
Method name
Number of samples to be processed
(entire sample rack)
Initialize remote interface
Waiting until 761 Compact IC sends
signal on remote line 3
Move needle to sample position
Place lift with needle to working
Waiting until 761 Compact IC sends
signal on remote line 3
Fill sample loop with sample during
120 s
Settings for changer functions
Reaction to manual stop