8 timer – Metrohm 761 Compact IC User Manual

Page 104

background image

4 Operation

761 Compact IC



Leak detector has detected solvent in the in-

struments interior. This information is also

stored in the instrument itself, so that it is

stopped automatically even without connection

to the PC.

Power on

Temporary power failure at the 761 Compact IC


4.3.8 Timer

the timer can be used to program system tasks which are started automatically

daily or once at the desired time.

Timer icon

Clicking this icon opens the


window with the following options:

Add a new task to the timer program.

Selecting this option opens a subwindow for

selection of the days at which the task should

be started.

Selecting this option opens a subwindow for

selection of time and day at which the task

should be started. After the selection of the de-

sired program instruction the system file for

which this instruction should be applied must

be selected in the



Add a new subtask for the selected daily task.

The time and program instruction for this sub-

task has to be entered in the opened subwin-

dow and the system file to which this instruction

should be applied must be selected in the




Delete the selected task from the timer pro-


The following program instructions can be used for user-defined

event program tasks in the

Timer program
