Metrohm 761 Compact IC User Manual
Page 136
4 Operation
761 Compact IC
Calibration points table
This table contains the basic information used to construct the calibra-
tion curve:
Number of
Calibration level
Concentration of the current component in the
calibration sample. It is taken from the concen-
tration table.
Area (or Height)
Peak height or area of the current component,
depending on calibration base.
File name of calibration chromatogram that
stores data on the given calibration level.
Information whether the calibration level is used
for calculation of the calibration curve or not.
Exclude the selected calibration point from the
list and recalculate calibration coefficients for
the current component. Repeated pressing in-
cludes the point again. You can exclude points
that drop out of the calibration curve watching
for RSD values.
Component information
Allows to select the current component from the
list. It is possible also to scroll the list of com-
ponents by mouse, using the special arrow but-
tons on the right.
Retention time
Retention time of the selected component
Concentration of the selected component
Calibration parameters
Calibration method
Method that is used for calibration procedure.
There are three basic methods of calibration:
External standard calibration
Absolute calibration. It is the basic calibration
procedure in ion chromatography.
Internal standard calibration
Relative calibration.
Tabulated calibration
Relative response factor calibration. It is a sim-
plified method of external standard calibration.
If this checkbox is marked then the correspond-
ing parameter is valid for the current compo-
nent only. Otherwise this parameter is global
(i.e. default for all other components).