Metrohm 761 Compact IC User Manual

Page 123

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4.4 Methods

761 Compact IC


If an integration event is added or modified, the

Edit integration event

window is opened where the following parameters can be set:


Start time for integration event in min.


List box with integration events to be selected

(see below).


Parameter value for selected integration event.

This field appears for events that demand input

of an additional parameter.

Integration events for peak detection

Disable detection

Set this mode to stop detection of new peaks. If

a peak is available at the moment of the event it

is either finished (downslope peaks) or rejected

(upslope peaks).

Enable detection


Disable detection


Enable negative peaks

Enable detection of negative peaks. In some

cases this mode may result in instability of de-

tection algorithm.

Disable negative peaks

Disable detection of negative peaks. This event

does not influence negative peaks which al-

ready started.

Disable peak reject

Set this mode, if a small peak should not be re-

jected because of its flat apex.

Enable peak reject


Disable peak reject


Integration events for peak start/end

Set peak start

Force the beginning of a new peak. If a peak is

available at the moment of the event it is either

rejected (upslope) or terminated (downslope).

Set peak end

Force peak end at the time of the event. Up-

slope peaks are rejected (except those born by

Set peak start

event), downslope peaks are ter-
