Indicate active autodatabase program – Metrohm 761 Compact IC User Manual

Page 165

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4.5 Chromatograms

761 Compact IC


Autodatabase options

The «Autodatabase 1.0» PC program is a part of the 761 Compact IC

standard accessories and is used to save and handle chromatograms

and results produced with «761 Compact IC» in a database. You find

a detailed description of this database program in the 8.110.8193

Instructions for Use supplied.


761 COMPACT IC / Method / Autodatabase

This menu item opens the

Autodatabase options

window with parameters

and settings for the



Database file

Definition of the database file (


) to which

chromatograms are sent manually with

to Autodatabase>

or automatically if the


data to Autodatabase file

option is enabled in the


tab of the

Method setup

window. Use

to select a new database file.

Print autodatabase report immediately after sending

If this option is enabled, a report is automati-

cally printed using the defined report template

file (


). Use

to select a new report

template file.

Send data of selected chromatogram to speci-

fied Autodatabase file.

Accept changes in

Autodatabase options


Close the window and abandon changes.

Indicate active Autodatabase program

761 COMPACT IC / Options / Indicate AutoDB server



program icon on the task bar if it has been al-

ready activated in the background by sending data.