Rockwell Automation SA500 Drive Configuration and Programming User Manual
Page 26

SA500 Drive Configuration and Programming
Motor Overload Ratio (%) (Range: 100 to 400)
The motor overload ratio is used in calculating the torque limit. Enter the value in
percent. A warning will be generated if the value entered is not within the limits of
the following equation:
Rated Motor Amps
Motor Overload
Power Module Amps
No Load Stator Current (Amps RMS) (Range: 0.25 to 25.00)
The no load stator current is used to select the level of magnetizing current. Enter
the value in amps. The resolution is 0.01 amps. This parameter is used only when
vector control is selected.
The stator inductance, torque gain, and slip gain parameters described below will be
calculated specifically for the motor selected. Note that improperly adjusting these
values could result in degraded regulator performance.
Stator Inductance (mH) (Range: 0.01 to 50.0)
The stator inductance is used to calculate the amplitude of the triangle wave that
produces the PWM output to the motor.The smaller the inductance, the higher the
gain of the current loop inside the vector and brushless control algorithm. This
parameter has been calculated specifically for the motor selected.
If the motor to be used is not on the list, see Appendix F for stator inductance
calculation. Enter the value in millihenries. The resolution is 0.01mH.
Torque Gain (Nm/Amp) (Range: 0.001 to 9.999)
The torque gain is used to scale the torque loop. The higher the torque gain, the
more torque that will be produced for a given reference. This parameter has been
calculated specifically for the motor selected.
If the motor to be used is not on the list, see Appendix F for torque gain calculation.
Enter the value in Newton Meters per Amp. The resolution is 0.001 Nm/Amp.
Slip Gain (Rad/Sec Nm) (Range: 0.001 to 9.999)
This parameter is used only when vector control is selected. The slip gain is used to
determine how much to advance the vector to compensate for motor slip. The
higher the slip gain, the larger the angle by which the torque vector will lead the
rotor. This parameter has been calculated specifically for the motor selected.
If the motor to be used is not on the list, see Appendix F for slip gain calculation.
Enter the value in Rad/Sec Nm. The resolution is 0.001 Rad/Sec Nm.
Constant Power
Constant power allows operation in the motor’s constant power region up to 4:1 of
rated speed. During operation in the constant power region, the PMI calculates
magnetizing current using speed feedback and tunable values unless external
speed feedback is selected. You must set bit 10 of register 101/1101 to one to load
default magnetizing current values into the STATOR_IZ tunables. If application
performance is not at expected levels using the default magnetizing current values,
you may need to perform the constant power calibration procedure described in
instruction manual S-3018.