Rockwell Automation SA500 Drive Configuration and Programming User Manual
Page 123

Torque gain calculation, F-1
UDC Error Code, 3-3
UDC module
adding a UDC module, 2-1 to 2-2
initiate change in setup register, 3-46
meter port setup registers, 3-45 to 3-50
task scan, 3-40
test I/O registers, 3-43 to 3-50
test switch inputs register, 3-43 to 3-44
UDC/PMI communication status registers, 3-9 to
PMI communication status, 3-12 to 3-15
PMI CRC error count, 3-15
PMI format error count, 3-15
PMI receive count, 3-15
UDC communication status, 3-9 to 3-11
UDC CRC error count, 3-12
UDC fiber-optic link status, 3-16
UDC format error count, 3-12
UDC receive count, 3-11
UDC transmitted message count, 3-16
Units, 3-3
Variable configurator, 3-1
Vector configurations.
See Configuring drive
Viewing registers, 3-1 to 3-2
application registers, 3-2
command registers, 3-1
feedback registers, 3-2
interrupt status and control registers, 3-2
Rail I/O ports, 3-1
UDC module test I/O register, 3-2
Volatile gain registers, 3-23 to 3-25
loss maximum position error, 3-25
notch filter center frequency, 3-24
notch filter Q factor, 3-24
position loop crossover frequency, 3-24
position loop damping factor, 3-25
position loop feedforward, 3-25
position loop limit minus, 3-25
position loop limit plus, 3-25
position loop rate limit, 3-25
speed loop crossover frequency, 3-23
speed loop damping factor, 3-23
speed loop feedforward, 3-23
speed loop inertia scaling, 3-24
speed loop rate limit, 3-23
tach loss maximum velocity error, 3-24
Warnings, 3-34 to 3-35
auto tuning aborted, 3-34
CCLK not synchronized in PMI, 3-35
excessive ground current, 3-34
PMI communication warning, 3-35
rail communication warning, 3-34
reference in limit, 3-34
speed or position gain out of limit, 3-34