Set up recipeplus, About recipes, About recipes -1 – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk View Machine Edition Users Guide User Manual

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Set up RecipePlus

This chapter describes:

What recipes are.

Summary of steps for creating a recipe system.

How the recipe system works.

Specify the run-time location of recipe files.

Create recipe files.

Compare recipes.

Create RecipePlus buttons, selectors, and tables.

Test RecipePlus objects.

Use objects from the RecipePlus_Components graphic library.

Use buttons with the recipe objects.

View data values that are saved at run time.

About recipes

A recipe is a set of numeric and string data values (ingredients) that can be downloaded to
their associated tags at the data source. Each ingredient has a pre-set data value assigned
to it. The set of data values for all the ingredients in a recipe is called a data set. The set of
numeric and string tags assigned to the ingredients in the recipe is called a tag set. The
ingredients, data sets, and tag sets are stored together in a recipe file.

You can create different pairs of data sets and tag sets for the same set of ingredients. Each
pairing of data set with tag set is called a unit. Each unit is like a unique recipe. At run
time, the operator can select the unit (recipe) that applies to the current operation.

For example, a bakery making whole wheat bread could use the same ingredients and tag
sets, but depending on the type of crust desired, could use different data sets to specify
different baking temperatures. As another example, you might want to have multiple
production lines baking the same bread. In this case, the data set for all the production
lines would be the same, but the tags receiving the recipe information would be different
for each production line. Units allow you to combine different tag sets and data sets for
the same set of ingredients.

The FactoryTalk View RecipePlus system allows you to create up to 15,000 ingredients,
500 data sets, 50 tag sets, and 2,500 units for each recipe file. You can create data sets at