Hardware requirements, I/o traffic control, Security setting – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
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In Out-of-Band method, if you perform the microcode exchange of SVP, timeout of the
command occurs. Execute the command again after finishing the microcode exchange.
Connecting to RAID Manager server already connected by In-Band method
using Out-of-Band method
In Out-of-Band method, RAID Manager server port can also be specified as a virtual command
device. For this reason, RAID Manager server which connected to a storage system in In-Band
method can be connected in Out-of-Band method. If a RAID Manager server is specified as a virtual
command device, it provides a better performance than Out-of-Band method specified SVP as a
virtual command device.
Hardware requirements
RAID Manager uses SCSI path through driver to issue I/O for command device. To use RAID
Manager server port as virtual command device, the virtual command device interface needs to
be converted to the actual SCSI path through interface. Following is the environment for using RAID
Manager server port as a virtual command device.
RAID Manager server which can set virtual command devices
RAID Manager support platform except Tru64UNIX and the environment can be used SCSI
path through driver
Client PC which can issue commands to virtual command devices
It must be RAID Manager support platform. Windows client such a Windows XP can be used
as well.
Initiator port
Initiator port is required. Following is the default port number.
If not specified the instance number: 34000
If specified instance number (X): 34000 + X + 1
If you change the default port number, use following environment variables.
For the detail of RAID Manager support platform, see "RAID Manager install and setting guide".
I/O Traffic Control
Synchronized I/O is issued from a virtual command device. The queueing time may occur because
of the heavy I/O traffic because the virtual command device has to relay the command to the next
virtual command device in the cascade configuration using the virtual command device. To improve
the response in this environment, define the configuration so that asynchronous I/O is issued using
the following environment variables.
Security setting
Following security can be set.
Specifying security of IP address and port number
By defining IP address and port number of the client PC that issues command to virtual command
device to HORCM_ALLOW_INST in the configuration definition file, users who can use virtual
RAID Manager functions on the P9500 and XP7 Storage