Data protection – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 15

provides failover operation commands that support mutual hot standby in conjunction with
industry-standard failover products (for example, MC/ServiceGuard, HACMP, FirstWatch®). RAID
Manager also supports a scripting function for defining multiple operations in a script (or text) file.
Using RAID Manager scripting, you can set up and execute a large number of commands in a
short period of time while integrating host-based high-availability control over copy operations.
Data protection
RAID Manager continues to support data protection operations, including Database Validator and
Data Retention.
Database Validator. The RAID Manager software provides commands to set and verify
parameters for volume-level validation checking of Oracle
database operations. Once
validation checking is enabled, all write operations to the specified volumes must have valid
Oracle checksums. RAID Manager reports a validation check error to the syslog file each time
an error is detected. Database Validator requires the operation of RAID Manager software
product but cannot be controlled via the Remote Web Console software.
Data Retention. The RAID Manager software enables you to set and verify the parameters for
guarding at the volume level. Once guarding is enabled, the RAID storage system conceals
the target volumes from SCSI commands such as SCSI Inquiry and SCSI Read Capacity,
prevents reading and writing to the volume, and protects the volume from being used as a
copy volume (the Continuous Access Synchronous, Continuous Access Journal or Business
Copy paircreate operation fails).
RAID Manager functions