Slpr configuration examples – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 210

Setting SLPR on the command device: The command device has an SLPR number and an
associated bitmap so you can set multiple SLPRs. You accomplish this by sharing a command
device (using ports connected to different SLPRs) by setting the command device through
SLPR#0 (called Storage Administrator) on Remote Web Console.
For example, if the command device is shared with the port on SLPR#1 and SLPR#2, then the
command device will automatically set the bitmap corresponding to SLPR#1 and SLPR#2.
Testing SLPR: RAID Manager verifies whether or not the command device can access a target
within SLPR. So, if the command device belongs to SLPR#0, or RAID Manager has no SLPR
function, then the SLPR protection is ignored.
However, if the command device is shared with the port on SLPR#1 and SLPR#2, RAID Manager
allows you to operate the volume on SLPR#1 and SLPR#2.
Rejecting commands: If access is denied on the specified port (or target volume), RAID Manager
rejects the following commands and outputs an error code, EX_ESPERM:
, paircurchk, paircreate, pairsplit, pairresync,
, pairevtwait, pairsyncwait
(except -find verify, -find inst), raidar, pairdisplay
, raidvchkscan (except -v jnl), raidvchkdsp
[EX_ESPERM] Permission denied with the SLPR
[Cause ] : A specified command device does not have a
permission to access other SLPR.
[Action] : Please make the SLPR so that the target port and
the command device belongs to the same SLPR.
SLPR configuration examples
Single host
provides an example of when control is denied to the paircreate and
commands in the following cases:
The volume described on RMINST1 is different from the SLPR of the command device, so the
command cannot control the paired volume.
The specified port is different from the SLPR of the command device, so the raidscan -p
command cannot scan any ports that are defined as SLPR#N.
Figure 68 SLPR configuration on a single host
To operate SLPR#N, assign the command device. If RMINST1 has been assigned to a command
device for SLPR#N, the paircreate command is permitted. However, the raidscan -p CL3-A
command (via RMINST0) is unable to scan a port, because the specified port is different than the
Examples of using RAID Manager commands