HP 3000 Enterprise Virtual Array User Manual
Page 213
Enterprise Virtual Array 3000 User Guide
Environmental Monitoring Unit. An element which monitors the status of an enclosure,
including the power, air temperature, and blower status. The EMU detects problems and
displays and reports these conditions to a user and the controller. In some cases, the EMU
implements corrective action.
A unit used to hold various storage system devices such as disk drives, controllers, power
supplies, blowers, an EMU, I/O modules, or blowers.
enclosure address bus
An Enterprise Storage System bus that interconnects and identifies controller enclosures and
disk drive enclosures by their physical location. Enclosures within a reporting group can
exchange environmental data. This bus uses junction boxes and cables to assign enclosure
numbers to each enclosure. Communications over this bus do not involve the FC-AL bus and
are, therefore, classified as out-of-band communications.
enclosure number (En)
One of the vertical rack-mounting positions where the enclosure is located. The positions are
numbered sequentially in decimal numbers starting from the bottom of the cabinet. Each disk
enclosure has its own enclosure number. A controller pair shares a single enclosure number. If
the system has an expansion rack, the enclosures in the expansion rack are numbered from 15
to 24, starting at the bottom.
enclosure services
Those services that establish the mechanical environmental, electrical environmental, and
external indicators and controls for the proper operation and maintenance of devices with an
enclosure as described in the SES SCSI-3 Enclosure Services Command Set (SES), Rev 8b,
American National Standard for Information Services.
Enclosure Services Interface
See ESI.
Enclosure Services Processor
See ESP.
Enterprise Virtual Array
The Enterprise Virtual Array is a product that consists of one or more storage systems. Each
storage system consists of a pair of HSV controllers and the disk drives they manage. A
storage system within the Enterprise Virtual Array can be formally referred to as an Enterprise
Storage System, or generically referred to as the storage system.