HP EVA P6000 Storage User Manual
Page 306

Network Storage
node port
A device port that can operate on the arbitrated loop topology.
non-OFC (Open
Fibre Control)
A laser transceiver whose lower-intensity output does not require special open Fibre Channel
mechanisms for eye protection. The Enterprise storage system transceivers are non-OFC compatible.
A drive enclosure EMU condition report that occurs when one or more elements inside the enclosure
have failed or are operating outside of their specifications. The failure does not affect continued
normal operation of the enclosure. All devices in the enclosure continue to operate according to
their specifications. The ability of the devices to operate correctly may be reduced if additional
failures occur. UNRECOVERABLE and CRITICAL errors have precedence over this condition. This
condition has precedence over INFORMATION condition. Early correction can prevent the loss
of data.
Network Storage Controller. The HSV Controllers used by the Enterprise storage system.
Nonvolatile Random Access Memory. Memory whose contents are not lost when a system is
turned Off or if there is a power failure. This is achieved through the use of UPS batteries or
implementation technology such as flash memory. NVRAM is commonly used to store important
configuration parameters.
occupancy alarm
A percentage of the total disk group capacity in blocks. When the number of blocks in the disk
group that contain user data reaches this level, an event code is generated. The alarm level is
specified by the user.
Operator Control Panel. The element that displays the controller’s status using indicators and an
LCD. Information selection and data entry is controlled by the OCP push-button.
online storage
An allotment of storage space that is available for immediate use, such as a peripheral device
that is turned on and connected to a server.
operator control
The portion of the HSV controller termination code display that defines:
The two-character parameter identifier that is a decimal number in the 0 through 31 range.
The eight-character parameter code that is a hexadecimal number.
See also
A security interlock where the purpose is to allow:
A management agent to control only certain storage systems
Only certain management agents to control a storage system
Power distribution module. A thermal circuit breaker-equipped power strip that distributes power
from a PDU to Enterprise Storage System elements.
Power distribution unit. The rack device that distributes conditioned AC or DC power within a
A unit of storage capacity that is the equivalent of 2
, 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes or 1,024
physical disk
A disk drive mounted in a drive enclosure that communicates with a controller pair through the
device-side Fibre Channel loops. A physical disk is hardware with embedded software, as opposed
to a virtual disk, which is constructed by the controllers. Only the controllers can communicate
directly with the physical disks.
The physical disks, in aggregate, are called the array and constitute the storage pool from which
the controllers create virtual disks.
physical disk array
306 Glossary