Number of lus and paths that are supported in hdlm, Flow for creating an hdlm environment, Hdlm installation types – HP XP7 Storage User Manual

Page 82: Flow for creating an hdlm environment -14, Hdlm installation types -14

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q = (t x n) / 1024 MB (rounded-up to the nearest integer)

Number of LUs and Paths That Are Supported in HDLM

The following table lists the number of LUs and paths supported in HDLM.

Table 3-9 Number of LUs and Paths Supported in HDLM


Number supported

Number of LUs

1 to 256

Number of paths per LU

1 to 12

Total number of paths

1 to 3060

Flow for Creating an HDLM Environment

Set up the environment to use HDLM as follows.

Figure 3-1 Flow of HDLM Environment Setup

HDLM Installation Types

This section describes the following types of HDLM installations: new

installation, upgrade installation, migration, and re-installation.

New installation of HDLM:

Installing HDLM on a server, which HDLM has never been installed on, is

called a new installation of HDLM.

Upgrade installation of HDLM:

Installing a newer version of HDLM over the existing version without

removing the existing version is called an upgrade installation of

HDLM.You can perform an upgrade installation for only HDLM 5.5 or later.


Creating an HDLM Environment

Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Windows®) User Guide

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