Setting the error log collection level -77, Setting the trace level -77 – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
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Setting the Error Log Collection Level
There are two error logs: the HDLM manager log file dlmmgrn.log (n
indicates a file number from 1 to 16) and the HDLM GUI log file dlmguin.log
(n indicates a file number of 1 or 2).
The table below lists and describes the values for the audit log collection level
Table 3-16 Values for the Error Log Collection Level Setting
No error logs are collected.
All information for errors of the "Error" level or higher is
All information for errors of the "Warning" level or higher is
All information for errors of the "Information" level or higher
is collected.
All information for errors of the "Information" level or higher
(including maintenance information) is collected.
If an error occurs, you might have to change the collection level to 1 or
higher to collect any log information.
The higher this value is set, the more information that will be output. As the
amount of log information to be output increases, it will take less time to
overwrite the old error log information with the new information.
Setting up the error log collection level by using the set operation
The following is an example of setting up the error log collection level by
using a command:
dlnkmgr set -ellv 2
Specify the error log collection level as a number.
Setting the Trace Level
You can set up the trace level for a trace file hdlmtrn.log (n indicates a file
number from 1 to 64).
The following table lists and describes the values for the trace level setting.
Table 3-17 Values for the Trace Level Setting
No trace is output.
Only error information is output.
Creating an HDLM Environment
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Windows®) User Guide