Run/attention/fault led states – HP 9000 rp5400 Servers User Manual

Page 82

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Example 6-1 Chassis Log: Reporting Entity Type = System Firmware

Log Entry # 0 :SYSTEM NAME: fesrhapgspDATE: 12/08/2000 TIME: 23:46:22ALERT LEVEL: 6 = Boot possible, pending
failure - action requiredSOURCE: 3 = PDHSOURCE DETAIL: 0 = unknown, no source stated SOURCE ID: 3PROBLEM
DETAIL: 0 = no problem detailCALLER ACTIVITY: 1 = test STATUS: 0CALLER SUBACTIVITY: 71 = implementation
dependentREPORTING ENTITY TYPE: 0 = system firmware REPORTING ENTITY ID: 030x0000306030031710 00000000 000000FE
type 0 = Data Field Unused0x5800386030031710 0000640B 08172E16 type 11 = Timestamp 12/08/2000 23:46:22Type
CR for next entry, Q CR to quit.

Using the example above:


The last 4 digits are 1710.


This is an rp5450 so use Appendix B in the Interpreting Chassis Logs in Detail guide.


Using the FIND feature to look up 1710 in Appendix B, we learn the definition is


The appropriate action in this example would be to verify the switch settings on the system
board are set correctly for the installed CPU's.

Run/Attention/Fault LED States

