HP 9000 rp5400 Servers User Manual
Page 81

ALERT LEVEL: 6=Boot possible, pending failure or environmental problem - action required
SOURCE: 6=platform - SOURCE DETAIL: 3=cabinet fan
PROBLEM DETAIL: 4=fan failure
GSP> co
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Key FRU Identification Fields for Error Chassis Logs
The following fields are for FRU identification.
Alert Level:
How the problem has affected the system operation.
What major part of the system the alert is referring to (i.e., platform,
memory, processor, etc.).
Source Detail:
What sub-part of the system the alert is referring to (i.e., cabinet fan,
DIMM, high voltage DC power, etc.).
Source ID:
Specific FRU referred to in Source and Source Detail (i.e., fan #4).
Problem Detail:
Specific problem information (i.e, power off, functional failure, etc.).
When the problem occurred.
The above sample system alert message shows the following:
The problem does not affect booting of the system.
The problem is with fan #4.
The problem is a fan failure.
The fan failed on April 15, 1999 at 9:29 PM.
In this example, fan #4 should be replaced to correct the problem.
Interpreting Chassis Logs Using the chassis_code.codes File
For chassis logs generated by system firmware (Reporting Entity Type 0), use the
chassis_code.codes file for chassis code definitions. Each revision of system firmware (AKA
Processor Dependent Code or PDC) has a unique chassis_code.codes file. This file is not part of
either the PF_Cxxxxx or PHSS_xxxxx server firmware patches. The chassis_code.codes files
appear in the appendices of the Interpreting Chassis Logs in Detail guide.
The definition of a PDC reported chassis code is determined by locating either the last four digits
of a chassis log or the last three digits of a selftest chassis code in the appropriate
chassis_code.codes file. Refer to the Interpreting Chassis Logs in Detail guide for definition and
examples of selftest chassis codes.
Be sure to use the appropriate appendix as the PDC for rp5400/rp5450 is different than
PDC for rp5470. Using the wrong appendix may result in a mis-interpretation of the chassis code.
To quickly learn the definition of a PDC reported chassis code, follow these four steps:
Determine either the last 4 digits of the hex chassis code or the last 3 digits of the selftest
chassis code.
Go to the appropriate appendix in the Interpreting Chassis Logs in Detail guide.
Locate the chassis code that matches the last 3 or 4 digits. If viewing via web browser or
Adobe Acrobat, use the FIND feature to locate the chassis code.
Take action as appropriate.
Chassis Code to FRU Decode