HP 9000 rp5400 Servers User Manual

Page 115

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The next graphic depicts disk removal/replacement.

Hot Swap Software Procedure for Attached Physical Volumes

The following procedure is an example of how to recover from replacing a disk that was
recognized as an attached physical volume. Be sure that all the software procedures in the Disk
Drive Removal
section have been completed prior to starting these steps. This example assumes
that the disk was mirrored.


HP often uses different manufacturers for disks, but assigns the same product number.

The hot swap manual procedure will not update disk driver internal information to that of the
replaced disk drive.


Perform an ioscan on the replaced disk drive to ensure that it is accessible (claimed), to double
check that it is a proper replacement, and that the device files are present. Refer to the above

For example: # ioscan -fnC disk

Individual Component Remove/Replace Instructions